Monday, September 2, 2013

'In The Sunshine" a Labor of Love

After a power weekend of writing and rewriting, In The Sunshine is live on Amazon!

My goal was to have it published and FOR SALE by Labor Day and I just barely made it. The story wound up a shade over 14,000 words and I'm generally happy with it. Technically, it falls in the novelette range, but I think most readers will view it as a short story. Anything less than 100 printed pages tends to get viewed that way.

Sunshine has two protagonists - Regan Morel, a recent college grad trying to make her way in the world and Matthew Fischer, who is a little world-weary and coming off of a divorce. The central question of the story is, can chemistry overcome difficult circumstances and a nasty ex-boyfriend. Pick up a copy and find out (hint, hint).

While my two previous published stories, Born Again and Eden Effect, had elements of romance about them, Sunshine is my first for-real romance. I don't think it will be the last one I'll write, either. I can't see myself ever writing Harlequin or Debbie Macomber style romances. I could envision something more along the lines of Nicholas Sparks or Richard Paul Evans.

Anyway, I want to thank my editor, Mr. Bryon Quertermous. He's a real pro, can spot a typo or plot hole from a mile away and his prices are very reasonable. Hire him.  Most of all, I want to thank my wife, Cora, and my kids for giving me the time I needed to write the story.


  1. Congratulations, Scott! I'm really looking forward to reading this (just downloaded it). I have a long drive coming up and this will be a perfect diversion. So proud of you for getting back into the writing gig! :)

  2. Thank you, J.B., that means a lot to me. I hope you like the story... it's a lot more mainstream than EE or Born Again. Not sure if that's good or bad...


BigAl's Books and Pals: In The Sunshine / PJ Lincoln

BigAl's Books and Pals: In The Sunshine / PJ Lincoln